miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2014

Joe Gaston Visit

Today we had an incredible visitor, Mr. Joe Gaston, he came all the way from Mobile Alabama to my educational technology class. He shared with us techniques for students to learn using technology and different ways teachers in Mobile use this technology to motivate students to keep learning.

It was a very fun class because I remembered all my great teachers at my school. We didn't used all of this new technology but y had many teachers that were starting to use it.

 I even discovered new ways students right know are learning through technology. Its very important to keep innovating with activities for students. It was a dynamic class and we learned from our own experience relating whats we were doing with whats he wanted us to learn.

I think it was a very useful class because some day I want to be not just a teacher but a teacher that leaves her students memory of what they learned and that motivates them to keep studying and discovering new things. There are many apps, computes games, you could use to make a class interactive and interesting.

2 comentarios:

  1. Estoy de acuerdo en que una de las principales prioridades de los docentes en la actualidad, debe de ser el estar innovando en todos los aspectos de sus clases, ya que esto garantizará que los alumnos se sientan motivados a descurbri nuevas y mejores cosas, así como también crear el sentimiento de intriga hacia la investigación y sean capaces de discriminar de manera adecuada la información.

  2. Pau, si fue una clase súper dinámica y nos explico mucho sobre como están aprendiendo los alumnos en Alabama, también seria necesario que en México se comenzaran a incorporar esas tendencias tecnológicas, pensar fuera de la caja , para saber en que otras actividades podemos utilizar las tecnologías y no nada más utilizar lo básico.
